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Amundi's Extraordinary General Meeting 2017

Download all information relating to Amundi's 2017 Extraordinary General Meeting

Amundi's Extraordinary General Meeting 2017

Took place the 30th of January 2017 at 9.00 am at Amundi's Headquarters

2015 Registration document 

2015 Registration document 

Shareholders Information

  Document Type of document
1. Notice of meeting as published at balo (Free translation into English) PDF - (213 kb)
2. Avis de convocation (French only) PDF - (130 kb)
3. Total of voting rights and number of shares at the date of publication at Balo (French only) PDF - (26 kb)
4. Report of the Board of Directors on the draft resolutions for the Extraordinary General Meeting (Free translation into English) PDF - (134 kb)
5. Notice of Meeting including:           
  • Summary of Amundi's activity
  • Agenda
  • Presentation of the draft resolutions
  • Terms governing participation
PDF - (2.2 Mb)
6. Report of the Statutory Auditors on the resolution relating to the capital increase reserved for employees (French only)  
6. bis Statutory auditors' report on the issue of shares and / or securities giving access to the share capital with preferential subscription rights (French only) PDF - (518 kb)
7. List of directors including their functions and mandates (Free translation into English) PDF - (86 kb)
8. Summary of Amundi’s activity (Free translation into English) PDF - (253 kb)
9. Voting form PDF - (690 kb)
10. 2015 Registration Document PDF - (6.3 Mb)
11. Certification of the total amount of compensation paid to the most highly compensated persons (French only) PDF - (173 kb)

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