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Our commitment to social cohesion

Contributing to the common good

Engaging with companies to reduce inequalities

Growing inequalities are one of today’s major challenge. In addition to being a societal major issue, inequalities fuel social divisions and foster political and financial market instability. For all those reasons, this topic is high on our shareholder engagement’s priorities. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated socioeconomic inequalities and has demonstrated that the energy transition will need to be a fair and inclusive transition, taking into account the consequence on the more fragile. While finding solutions to global challenges is primarily the role of governments, we believe that the private sector has a key role to play, especially the financial community. Amundi is convinced that companies must contribute to the social cohesion of the countries in which they operate. We therefore engage with companies to understand how they develop practices that address social challenges.

Corporate - Our commitment to social cohesion - Engaging

Voting in favor of social, health and human rights related shareholder resolutions

The nature of the commitments made by companies on social issues is also integrated into our voting decisions. This position continues to largely be conveyed when voting on resolutions related to the following topics: executive remuneration and ESG, wage balance and sustainable dividends. Within this pandemic driven context, equitable sharing of added value is more significant than ever.

Corporate - Our commitment to social cohesion - Social Vote

Leveraging our ESG research to fuel innovations

The development of internal ESG analytics and research teams has strengthened Amundi's ability to design innovative business solutions, aside from our strict climate focus mentioned above. We now offer a comprehensive range of social business solutions for investors seeking to mitigate inequalities, contribute to a transition to sustainable business models and measure their impact.

Discover our research papers on research center website: 

Stakeholders in the Just Transition N°1 Integrating workers into Investment and Financing Framework

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Social bonds: financing the recovery and long-term inclusive growth


The day after #4 Inequality in the context of the Covid-19 crisis


The Coronavirus and ESG Investing the emergence of the Social pillar


To learn more

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Sustainability-related disclosures
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Our ESG approach

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