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Join us for your first professional experience

Our policy for welcoming students

Amundi is committed to supporting young people and pursues a proactive policy of recruiting interns, work-study students and VIE (French International Volunteers in Business) every year. Despite the health crisis and in response to the real difficulties encountered by students, Amundi has stepped up the implementation of all of its commitments to young people and is also closely involved in the actions of the Crédit Agricole S.A. group’s Youth Plan.

A few figures

1,000 students in training welcomed in 2021, of which 30% abroad

Corporate - Etudiants - VIE

Including 180 apprenticeship or professionalisation contracts, a number that has doubled in 10 years

Corporate - Etudiants - Stage

42% of recruits are under the age of 30

Corporate - Etudiants - Recrutement

50 VIE assignments proposed each year in more than 15 countries of North America Europe and Asia

Corporate - Our Solutions - Hub - World Map

Identity card for interns and apprentices

Corporate - Students - Interns and Apprentices - 1 - Repartition M/W
Corporate - Students - Interns and Apprentices - 2 - Business Areas
Corporate - Students - Interns and Apprentices - 3 - Part of recruitments

Why work at Amundi?

Joining Amundi means:

  • Benefiting from professional experience in our recognised areas of expertise, at the heart of responsible finance, in France and internationally.
  • Being supported throughout your professional training, as well as after your training, by benefiting from career opportunities within Amundi, but also at other subsidiaries of the Crédit Agricole Group or other companies thanks to the Engagement Jeunes platform.
  • Joining a company committed to inclusion and equal opportunities in professional integration; we are members of PaQte and have formed various partnerships with local players to support young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods or with disabilities.

Amundi, a committed actor

Our employees support middle school students on several themes, using tailor-made programmes designed by our partner associations (Un Stage Et Après, Viens Voir Mon Taf and Tous En Stage) to help young people get a foot on the career ladder.

Our employees support middle school students on several themes, using tailor-made programmes designed by our partner associations (Un Stage Et Après, Viens Voir Mon Taf and Tous En Stage) to help young people get a foot on the career ladder.

Our partnership with the Jean Monnet Regional Adapted School in Garches is an opportunity to welcome each year secondary school students with motor disabilities, for whom access to the job market is more challenging.

Our partnership with the Jean Monnet Regional Adapted School in Garches is an opportunity to welcome each year secondary school students with motor disabilities, for whom access to the job market is more challenging.

In order to promote the employment of young people with disabilities or from priority urban districts, Amundi partners with inclusive recruitment partners such as Mozaïk RH, JobInLive and Compéthance to support work-study recruitment campaigns.

In order to promote the employment of young people with disabilities or from priority urban districts, Amundi partners with inclusive recruitment partners such as Mozaïk RH, JobInLive and Compéthance to support work-study recruitment campaigns.

Amundi has been a member of “Engagement Jeunes” since 2021. The aim of the platform is to help young people who have completed an internship or work-study programme at Amundi find a job, to keep in touch with them and to contact them easily if a job opportunity arises.

Amundi has been a member of “Engagement Jeunes” since 2021. The aim of the platform is to help young people who have completed an internship or work-study programme at Amundi find a job, to keep in touch with them and to contact them easily if a job opportunity arises.

Every year, Amundi participates in the programme proposed by HandiFormaFinance and its partner universities to encourage young people with disabilities to go further in their ambitions and to enter finance professions such as middle and back office.

Every year, Amundi participates in the programme proposed by HandiFormaFinance and its partner universities to encourage young people with disabilities to go further in their ambitions and to enter finance professions such as middle and back office.

Listening to students

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In 2022, for the 8th consecutive year, Amundi was awarded the Happy Trainees label, which recognises the company’s quality of welcome and support for young people.

Recommendation rate

Corporate - Etudiants - Taux de recommandation - 90,4%

Overall score

Corporate - Etudiants - Note Globale - 4,06/5

Our work/study students and interns are invited to participate in an anonymous survey to evaluate Amundi and share their expectations and feedback on many aspects.

For the first time in 2021, Amundi was also awarded the “Employer of Choice” label by Engagement Jeunes. A special distinction was awarded to Amundi in the “Best Image” category.

Corporate - Etudiants - Engagement Jeunes 2024

Stories from our Happy Trainees

Some comments from our students who participated in the Happy Trainees survey in 2021, in response to the question: “What did you enjoy most about your work experience at Amundi?"


Video stories

Discover the stories of Amundi employees talking about their first experience at Amundi as part of an internship, a work-study programme or a VIE assignment.


How can you join us?

Throughout the year, Amundi offers hundreds of job opportunities on its recruitment website

  • Work placements, mostly gap year or end-of-studies internships of 6 months;
  • VIE (French International Volunteers in Business) assignments of 12 to 24 months;
  • First permanent positions.

A work-study campaign is also conducted once a year between April and July in order to integrate work-study students at the beginning of the school year in September.

In order to be automatically notified about new job opportunities, we strongly advise you to register on the recruitment site and to set up alerts corresponding to your search criteria.

How your application is processed

Candidates whose resume is pre-selected by Human Resources will be tested to analyze their verbal skills, logical reasoning, and level of English. No preparation is required, however some conditions of success should be recalled:

  • Make sure you are not disturbed during the test and turn off your phone;
  • Check the quality of your internet connection and the compatibility of your internet browser version;
  • You can go to the Aon website to check out the tests beforehand.

At the end of the tests, if you are successful, two types of interviews are scheduled, depending on the type of contract: the managerial interview first, then the HR interview.

Learn more...

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Our HR policy
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Why join us?

Get in touch with us

Our online help service is available to answer your question.

My personal information

If you have a question about our company or one of our products, please complete the form to get in touch. Please do not mention your account numbers or critical data in this form.


(*) Required fields
All our job offers (Permanent and temporary position, Internship, Apprenticeship or VIE) are available on our dedicated website:

Register and apply directly online.

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