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Our environmental responsibility

Acting as a citizen and environmentally friendly actor

Controlling our direct environmental footprint

Since its creation in 2010, Amundi has been a pioneer in responsible investment.

In 2021, Amundi joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative and adopted a new 2022-2025 action plan, one of whose 10 commitments aims to align its business practices with its requirements as an investor, in particular the goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

Amundi is deploying concrete action plans and is working to ensure that this ambition is shared by all its employees by enabling them to play an active role in change.

Commitment to reduce CO2 emissions

In 2021, Amundi made a commitment to reduce its carbon footprint from energy and business travel.

Amundi plans to conduct a new full carbon footprint assessment in 2022.

2,32 Teq CO2 (2021) Energy and business travel

Corporate - RSE - Professional travel

15,000 tonnes of CO2 per year Offsetting the residual carbon footprint*

Corporate - RSE - Reduce CO2

* Amundi annually offsets its residual CO2 emissions from energy and transport, i.e. 15,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, through the Livelihoods fund. This fund finances agroforestry, rural energy and ecosystem restoration projects.

CO2 emissions 2018-2021

Corporate - Notre responsabilité environnementale - Evolution CO2


Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the direct footprint by targeting high-impact emission items.

Responsible building and resource management

  • Environmental certification of buildings
  • Green IT policy
  • Responsible paper consumption
  • Responsible waste management
  • Actions to fight food waste
  • Elimination of plastic
  • Raising employee awareness of eco-gestures
Every year, this 100% digital internal challenge mobilises Amundi employees around the themes of global warming, biodiversity and ESG. In 2021, 98 teams, with 579 participants from 23 countries, took part in the “ESG Spirit, special COP26” challenge.
Corporate - Notre responsabilité environnementale - Le Challenge « ESG » spirit
An initiative proposed by an NGO, the Climate Fresk is an educational process that popularises scientific knowledge to help people understand the causes and consequences of climate change. By 2025, it will have been rolled out to all Amundi employees via trained Internal Ambassadors.
Corporate - Notre responsabilité environnementale - Logo La fresque du climat
Employee awareness of eco-gestures is raised via the “Go Green” internet system, which is enriched each year with new initiatives from all countries: elimination of plastic cutlery - responsible printing - awareness campaign on sorting - promotion of eco-responsible means of travel - automatic shutdown of computers at night - elimination of individual printers, etc.
Corporate - Notre responsabilité environnementale - Logo Le dispositif GO Green

A responsible procurement policy

By signing up to the United Nations Global Compact, the Diversity Charter and the Charter for Responsible Supplier Relations, Amundi has made commitments to respect human rights and labour regulations, to fight all forms of discrimination, to promote diversity and to protect the environment and business ethics.

These principles are set out in a responsible procurement policy in line with that of the Crédit Agricole Group, formalised in an Ethics Charter.

Two priorities in 2022


  • The goal: to increase by 50% the volume of purchases entrusted to the protected and adapted work sector in 2022
  • Enable procurement to be a lever of employment for vulnerable groups;
  • Be able to identify the inclusion benefits in the purchasing tools;
  • Raise awareness and train buyers according to purchasing categories by getting the decision-makers involved in the process


  • The challenge: to develop a plan to reduce the carbon footprint generated by purchases by defining objectives and a reduction trajectory compatible with the commitments made by the Crédit Agricole Group
  • Increase the weight of CSR by increasing its weighting from 15% to 35% in the analysis grids for short-listed offers. 
  • Assess the carbon footprint generated by an offer for service or goods during the tender process and, in the case of the most impactful purchasing areas, deploy a methodology that allows tenders and their footprint to be compared on a common basis.
21 March, 2022
2021 - Charte « Relations Fournisseurs & Achats Responsables » - Amundi

Learn more...

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Our solidarity commitment
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Our responsibility as an employer

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