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Our stewardship policy

Disseminate our convictions via Engagement & Voting

Playing our part through an active dialogue with companies

Engagement with issuers is key to fostering concrete changes and contribute effectively to address global challenges. When investing on behalf of our clients, we become part-owners of companies and have a duty to influence their strategies towards approaches that take into account ESG issues more effectively. We seek constructive dialogue to help drive change by laggards, and to support those which are already delivering positively in terms of their ESG objectives. This is why Amundi has put in place a strong engagement policy. It is an essential part of our fiduciary duty to our clients, and our role as responsible investor.

This mindset of long-term part-ownership and collaboration with our investee companies means that our stewardship approach is framed by our understanding of four key factors: integrated and pragmatic approach, regular dialogue, transparency, and energy transition and social cohesion as priority areas.

Six main areas of engagement

Corporate - Our Stewardship Policy - Six main areas of engagement

Reflecting our overall RI approach in our voting policy

Amundi views investor voting rights as a central aspect of its role as a responsible investor. Our voting policy responds to our holistic analysis of all the long-term issues that may influence value creation, including material ESG issues. One of our ESG ambitions set in 2018   is to systematically integrate ESG issues into our voting policy. In 2021, we voted in favor of 83% of social, health & human rights shareholder resolutions and of 86% of climate-related resolutions.

Corporate - Our Stewardship Policy - Proxy Voting Leadership


Acting collectively for greater impact

Amundi has been a leader in asserting the responsibility of the financial sector in the pursuit of responsible investment policies. As a responsible investor with a clear understanding of the role and importance of ESG criteria, Amundi participates in numerous initiatives as a member and signatory. We are an active participant in working groups at a range of market bodies – both regulatory and industry-led organizations – aimed at moving responsible finance, sustainable development and corporate governance forward in the interests of all our stakeholders, at the forefront of which are our clients, and the society.

Corporate - Our Stewardship Policy - Responsible Investment Initiative


Learn more...

International - ESG - Documentation - header
Our climate ambitions & actions
Corporate - News - ESG
Our commitment to social cohesion

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