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Our responsibility as an employer

Placing individual and collective development at the heart of our employer responsibility

A policy for talent diversity

Amundi is a company that believes that promoting equal opportunities is not only ethical, but also a performance driver. Our international scope feeds our diversity and makes us even richer in talent, expertise and development opportunities. With more than 5,400 employees1 in over 35 countries, our policy of non-discrimination and promotion of diversity is designed to defend universal values shared by all employees. These values are applied at the local level and aim at respecting the regulations, sensitivities and realities of each country.

Gender equality

Gender equality is a fundamental component of diversity. Promoting gender equality means creating an open, responsible corporate culture that fosters internal cohesion and progress.

This commitment is reflected in concrete actions on equal pay for men and women, support for women in positions of responsibility, training, work/life balance and, more broadly, raising everyone's awareness of the challenges of gender  equality.

33,0% of executive managers are women in 2023

Corporate - RH - Catherine Leroy

38,1% of Executive Committee members are women in 2023

Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Elodie Laugel

Female representation on Amundi’s management bodies

Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Women in the executive committee
Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Evolution women in senior executive positions


*Corresponding to Senior Leadership Team, composed of employees in the first tier of management of the Amundi Group, i.e. 165 people (as of 31/12/2021)



Gender equality network

Amundi Women Network is Amundi's gender equality network, created in 2017.

It now has over 566 members in France, including 170 men (30%), and is expanding in Ireland, Germany, Japan and the United States.

Amundi Women Network is a member of Cercle Potentielles, the representative body of the Crédit Agricole Group's 7 gender equality networks, created in 2016. Cercle Potentielles has 2,100 members, 20% of whom are men.

Cercle Potentielles is a member of the Financi'Elles network, whose mission is to contribute to improving, and above all accelerating, women's access to the top of organizations in the finance sector.

Corporate - Notre responsabilité d'employeur - Mixité

Gender Equality Index

In 2024 (for the year 2023), Amundi obtained a result of 86 points in its Gender Equality Index. The gender pay gap continues to narrow and the Global Index is up one point compared to the previous year. This score is the result of a sustained commitment to reducing gender gaps.

Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Gender Equality Index

Women & Sciences Chair at Paris-Dauphine University

Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Logo Dauphine

Amundi supports the Women & Sciences chair at Paris-Dauphine University to understand and encourage the necessary transformations in a world where inequalities persist and where gender parity must progress.

Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Initiatives to develop the presence of Women in finance-2
Corporate - Our responsibility as an employer - Initiatives to develop the presence of Women in finance
By signing the Diversity Charter in 2008, Amundi committed to respecting and promoting the enforcement of the non-discrimination principle.

By signing the Diversity Charter in 2008, Amundi committed to respecting and promoting the enforcement of the non-discrimination principle.

Amundi renewed its Code of Conduct, which is common to all countries and includes thematic sheets.

Amundi renewed its Code of Conduct, which is common to all countries and includes thematic sheets.

Download our code of conduct

An inclusive policy

Training and work integration of young people

Amundi makes a significant contribution to training young people from a wide range of backgrounds, welcoming more than 1300 young people a year in France and abroad as part of long-term internships, work-study contracts, VIE schemes (French International Volunteers in Business), CIFRE doctorates and summer jobs.

In order to help young people enter the workplace, Amundi has been a member of the Engagement Jeunes platform since the summer of 2021. This platform makes our students more visible at the end of their work experience at Amundi and helps them find employment (recommendations shared with other companies).

Amundi has been awarded the Happy Trainees label for the 9th consecutive year, recognising the company’s quality of welcome and support for young people.

Amundi has been awarded the Happy Trainees label for the 9th consecutive year, recognising the company’s quality of welcome and support for young people.

Amundi Technology has joined an innovative scheme in partnership with the Irish government, “Fast Track Into IT”, which provides training to six people in professional transition on a work/study basis.

Amundi Technology has joined an innovative scheme in partnership with the Irish government, “Fast Track Into IT”, which provides training to six people in professional transition on a work/study basis.

In order to help young people enter the workplace, Amundi has been a member of the Engagement Jeunes platform since the summer of 2021. This platform makes our students more visible at the end of their work experience at Amundi and helps them find employment (recommendations shared with other companies).

In order to help young people enter the workplace, Amundi has been a member of the Engagement Jeunes platform since the summer of 2021. This platform makes our students more visible at the end of their work experience at Amundi and helps them find employment (recommendations shared with other companies).

Amundi awarded « Employeur de choix » by the label Engagement Jeunes

Corporate - Une politique inclusive - Logo Engagement Jeunes 2024

92,7% Amundi’s recommendation rate²

Corporate - RSE - Happy Trainee

Equal opportunity

In order to promote equal opportunities, Amundi has signed a new partnership with the Télémaque association to mentor young secondary school students. As part of this partnership, 20 employee volunteers devote time to a young person to help them open up to the cultural and professional world, develop their potential and give them all the opportunities they deserve.

Giving a work experience to Year 10 students (14 years old) from disadvantaged neighbourhoods is an important focus of Amundi’s inclusion policy.

Our employee volunteers support middle school students on a variety of themes, using tailor-made programmes designed by our partner associations (Un Stage Et Après, Viens Voir Mon Taf and Tous En Stage) to help them get a foot on the career ladder. The workshops include a presentation of Amundi and its business lines, advice on writing CVs and cover letters, orientation games on responsible and sustainable career planning, and preparation for oral presentations.

In 2018, Amundi formalised its commitment to social inclusion by signing the PAQTE Agreement. Pacte Avec les Quartiers pour Toutes les Entreprises (PAQTE) supports actions already under way and encourages companies to work in favour of neighbourhoods designed as priority zones in the urban policy (quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville – QPV).

In 2018, Amundi formalised its commitment to social inclusion by signing the PAQTE Agreement. Pacte Avec les Quartiers pour Toutes les Entreprises (PAQTE) supports actions already under way and encourages companies to work in favour of neighbourhoods designed as priority zones in the urban policy (quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville – QPV).

Download document


Amundi continues to take proactive measures to promote the integration of people with disabilities through four pillars: recruitment, job retention, use of the protected sector and employee awareness.

Amundi signed the “Manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in economic life” in 2019, thereby committing to continue its actions for the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Amundi signed the “Manifesto for the inclusion of people with disabilities in economic life” in 2019, thereby committing to continue its actions for the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Focus on our partnership with Compéthance

The results in terms of recruitment are notably supported by effective partnerships with Mozaïk RH, JobInLive and Compéthance, a digital services company approved as an adapted company.

In 2020, Amundi welcomed two work-study students with autism via Compéthance and set up a tailor-made support system to welcome them: raising awareness among the teams, helping them take up their new position and with their assignments, and providing them with coaching.

17 May, 2024
2023 - CSR Report - Amundi

1. As at 31/12/2022
2. Amundi recommendation rate: In the 8th Happy Trainees survey, Amundi obtained a recommendation rate of 92.7% of its trainees and alternates.

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Our environmental responsibility
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Our solidarity commitment

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