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Our solidarity commitment

To act as a responsible corporate citizen

Our corporate sponsorship activities

Amundi’s corporate sponsorship policy focuses on four key areas: culture, education, solidarity and the environment. Our long-standing commitments bear witness to our dedication to building a trusting relationship with our partners.

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In France

In the field of culture, Amundi continues to support its long-standing partner, the Villa Medici, of which it is the main patron, as well as the Château de Vaux le Vicomte. Amundi has also renewed its support for Autistes sans frontières and Action Contre la Faim, for the 11th consecutive year.

Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Villa Médicis
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Autistes sans frontières
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Action contre la faim


Internationally, Amundi is involved in numerous solidarity causes through its local subsidiaries.

  • In the United States, Amundi has had a Corporate Grants Program in place for many years, which provides financial support to organisations that offer assistance to the most vulnerable, such as The Home for Little Wanderers, which helps families and children in difficulty, or the charities On the Rise and Rosie’s Place, which provide safety and support to homeless women. Supporting the education of children in need is also an important focus, with innovative reading and writing programmes in place such as 826 Boston and Raising a Reader MA.
  • Amundi Ireland is also committed to long-term partnerships with, among others, the charity Barretstown, which provides assistance to children with serious illnesses, Junior Achievement Ireland, which encourages disadvantaged pupils to continue their studies, and Dublin Simon Community, which helps the homeless.
  • In the United Kingdom, Amundi is committed to the fight against cancer by supporting various charities such as Movember and Macmillan Cancer Support.
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - The Home
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - On the rise
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Rosie s Place
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - 826 Boston
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Raising a reader
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Barretstown
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Movember
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Junior Achievement
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Simon Community
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - MacMillan

Employees stepping up for solidarity projects

Amundi’s societal responsibility is also reflected in the involvement of its employees in solidarity projects, in partnership with charities.

Solidarity programmes

In France, Amundi has been organising its annual Give A Hand sponsorship programme since 2013, which funds solidarity projects led by employees invested in the voluntary sector.

Through its Amundi US Helping Others programme, Amundi US encourages its employees to get involved in charitable activities in order to foster a culture of solidarity. This programme focuses on supporting children and families in need, as well as educating children.

Solidarity drives

In France, as part of its commitment to equal opportunities in terms of professional integration/reintegration, Amundi organises an annual drive to collect professional clothing with La Cravate Solidaire, which works to reintegrate people in difficulty into the workforce. At Christmas time, a toy drive is also organised with Rejoué, a charity committed to a social and ecological approach, which works with people in vocational reintegration to repair second-hand toys.

In the United Kingdom, employees support the Salvation Army each year by donating wrapped Christmas gifts for disadvantaged children.


In France, Amundi has set up a new partnership with Télémaque, which helps young people from disadvantaged areas to succeed despite the obstacles associated with their socio-economic background. Thanks to a dual “school-company” mentoring scheme, Télémaque encourages upward social mobility from secondary school onwards. 20 Amundi employees have volunteered to become mentors for a young person.

In Ireland, as part of the Junior Achievement Programme, Amundi Dublin volunteers regularly provide tuition to students from disadvantaged schools to help them keep up with their studies.

Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Le jouet solidaire
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Télémaque
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - La cravatte solidaire
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Give a hand
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Junior Achievement
Corporate - Notre engagement solidaire - Armée du salut

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Our responsibility as an employer
Corporate - Header - Acteur engagé
Our environmental responsibility

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