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Our climate ambitions & actions

Reaching zero net global greenhouse gas emissions

Setting demanding climate targets

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our times. Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, Amundi has strengthened its ambition to support climate action across geographies and asset classes. In July 2021, we were proud to commit to achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and joining the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. In accordance with this commitment, Amundi has pledged to phase out coal by 2030 for European and OECD countries, and by 2040 for the rest of the world, an engagement detailed in our Thermal Coal Policy.

In line with our Net Zero ambition, Amundi unveiled in December 2021 a 2025 ESG Ambition Plan, covering ten goals highlighted in three target areas. The plan 3 main commitments are to strengthen Amundi’s offer in ESG saving products to serve sustainable development, deepen our engagement towards investee companies, and set objectives internally in line with our ESG ambitions.

Corporate - Our climate ambitions and actions - Climate targets

Additionally, we are working on science-based climate target objectives, entailing decarbonization pathways recognised by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a leading independent body led by four large international organisations – the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the World Resources Institute (WRI), the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – as part of Crédit Agricole Group’s commitment to set this target in 2022(Crédit Agricole SA signed the Science-based targets initiative in 2016). Moreover, we support the CDP-SBTi campaigns and ask companies to declare and have their transition objectives certified by the SBTi. We also support SBTI certification and encourage the initiative to further expand the number of sectors covered by a sector decarbonisation approach.

Integrating relevant metrics to assess our portfolios’ climate exposure

Using a wide range of metrics, Amundi is able to set targets in the short, medium, and long-term. In the past year, Amundi has worked to increase the variety of metrics used to integrate climate-related risks and opportunities in their portfolios. Amundi continues to refine its approach by using a wide range of data providers and developing methodologies to produce state-of-the-art climate analytics.

Corporate - Our climate ambitions and actions - Climate metrics

Voting in favor of climate-related shareholder resolutions

Amundi is able to influence the climate trajectory of the companies we invest in through voting processes. Thus, we encourage companies to increase transparency on their strategy to reduce emissions and deepen public commitments on carbon emissions reduction plans. In the next years, we will continue to engage with companies to demand they declare objectives aligned with the Paris Agreement under the Science-Based Targets framework. We will also continue to support shareholder resolutions that strive to implement better reporting and transparency on companies’ climate-related strategy.

Corporate - Our climate ambitions and actions - Climate Vote Rate

Leveraging our climate research to fuel innovations

The development of climate analytics and our research team leadership in climate finance in the recent years have strengthened Amundi's ability to design innovative climate-linked investment solutions. We now offer a comprehensive range of climate-linked investment solutions for investors seeking to mitigate climate-change related risks, favor a transition to sustainable business models and measure climate impact.

Discover our research papers on research center website: 

ESG Thema #1 Introduction to Net Zero


ESG Thema #6 Carbon efficient technologies in the race to Net Zero


The Alpha and Beta of ESG investing


Sustainability-linked bonds nascent opportunities for ESG investing


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Our commitment to social cohesion
Corporate - News - ESG
Sustainability-related disclosures

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