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Our Group

Consult all information relating to Amundi's shareholding.

Key Figures

 (€m) 20151 2016 20175 20186 20196 20206 2021 2022
Net asset management revenue 1,603 1,625 2,625 2,606 2,663 2,634 3,213 3,136
  • o/w net fees
1,466 1,510 2,445 2,491 2,493 2,434 2,786 2,965
  • o/w performance fees
138 115 180 115 171 200 427 171
Net revenue 1,657 1,677 2,722 2,582 2,707 2,595 3,204 3,137
Operating expenses  -883 -878 -1,428 -1,331 -1,377 -1,341 -1,534 -1,671
Cost income ratio (%) 53.3% 52.3% 52.4% 51.5% 50.9% 51.7% 47.9% 53.0%
Gross operating income 774 800 1,295 1,251 1,331 1,255 1,670 1,466
Share of net income of equity-accounted entities 25 28 33 50 46 66 84 88
Net income Group share 519 568 918 946 1,009 962 1,315 1,178
Basic earning per share (€)2 3.16 3.4 4.6 4.69 4.69 4.76 6.49 5.29
Dividend per share with respect to the period (€) 2.05 2.20 2.50 2.90 3.10 2.90 4.10 4.10
Net equity Group share 6,407 6,644 8,203 8,528 8,500 9,695 10,671 11,025
Tangible equity Group share 3,297 3,363 1,906 2,288 2,703 3,236 3,513 3,875
Assets Under Management (€bn)3 985 1,083 1,426 1,425 1,653 1,729 2,064 1,904
  •  Retail
263 306.2 524 532 666 688 913 858
  • Institutionals excl. CA & SG insurers
325 371.7 483 476 522 577 673 453
  • CA & SG insurers
398 404.8 419 417 465 464 478 415
Net inflows (€bn)3 79.9 62.2 70.6 42 108 45 60.2 7
  • Retail
41.5 34.7 49.6 30.7 89.3 17.1 54,8 23,9
  • Institutionals excl. CA & SG insurers
33.7 29.6 18.7 11.7 0.9 36.3 6.2 -8.2
  • CA & SG insurers
4.6 -2.1 2.3 -0.3 17.6 -8.2 -0.8 -7.7
Net fee margin(bps)4 16,1 16 19.1 18.8 18.4 17.4 17.9 17.8

1. In 2015, Operating expenses include the costs incurrred from Amundi's Initial Public Offering, ie €14.6m before tax / €9.1m after tax (€0.05 per share).
2. Basic earnings per share is identical to diluted earnings per share given the absence of any dilutive instruments.
3. Assets under management of Asian JVs are included at 100% in Group assets under Management and their net inflows at 100% in Group net inflows.
4.  Including performance fees, calculated on average assets under management in basis points (bps), ie 0.1% or 1/10000
5. Combined data: 12 months Amundi + 12 months Pioneer. Excluding integration costs and amortisation of distribution contracts.
6. Excluding integration costs and amortisation of distribution contracts.

In 2018: 201,510,562 shares with a par value of 2.5 euros until August 1, 2018, and 201,704,354 shares since then.

Share ownership

Corporate - Our Group - Shareholders Q2 2024

Market capitalisation of Amundi: €12.3bn (as at 06/30/2024)

Data as of 06.30.2024

The governance

Board of Directors

Discover the composition of Amundi’s Board of Directors as of February 6th, 2024

  • Philippe Brassac, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Virginie Cayatte1
  • Bénédicte Chrétien
  • Laurence Danon-Arnaud1
  • Patrice Gentié
  • Gérald Grégoire
  • Christine Grillet
  • Michèle Guibert
  • Robert Leblanc1
  • Hélène Molinari1
  • Christian Rouchon
  • Nathalie Wright1
  • Joseph Ouedraogo2
  • Nicolas Mauré, Non-voting member

As a reminder, Yves Perrier remains Honorary Chairman of the Company

1 Independent director
Director elected by Amundi's employees on 25 March 2022

General Management Committee

Discover the composition of the Group’s General Management Committee as of 1st of November 2023

Download in PDF Amundi's articles of association, in French and English as of 27th July 2023, and the detailled governance as of 31st December 2022.

1 August, 2023
2022 - Detailed Governance - Amundi
9 August, 2023
Rule of procedure of Board of Directors CA AMUNDI 07 02 2023
31 July, 2023
2023 - Statuts Amundi FR-ENG

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