Corporate - News - SFDR


Published 26 March, 2021


Published 26 March, 2021

Amundi fully mobilized to comply with European SFDR regulation

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), the EU directive that came into force on 29 December 2019, applies since 10 March 2021.
Aiming to provide more transparency for the end investor and consistently present the ESG characteristics of financial products, the consideration of risks and sustainability factors and, where appropriate, a sustainable defined investment objective, Amundi welcomes this new regulation.

It should thus accelerate the development of responsible finance in Europe and throughout the world and help direct savings towards the objectives of energy and ecological transition.

Founding pillar of Amundi, responsible investment is placed at the heart of its strategy since its creation in 2010. This development is strengthened by its ambitious 3-year plan announced at the end of 2018, one of the objectives of which is to integrate ESG objectives for all of its actively managed open funds.

Amundi’s commitment to systematic integration of ESG ratings into the investment processes concerned and ESG considerations in its voting policy has resulted in an exceptional level of all investment teams, the Responsible Investment business line and support teams.

On the 25th March 2021, Amundi announces that a total of 656 financial products, including mutual funds, dedicated funds and mandates, representing €452 billion of assets under management (AuM)are classified under Articles 8 and 9 according to the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)2.

As of end of February 2021, 60% of Amundi’s overall European mutual funds’ AuM are already classified under Article 8 or 93. This classification exercise is only a first step as more funds are in filing process to meet articles 8 & 9 criteria.

Elodie Laugel, Chief Responsible Investment Officer at Amundi comments:

Amundi welcomes the new SFDR regulation, the objective of which is to provide more transparency for the end investor and consistently present the ESG characteristics of financial products. In line with our 100% ESG Integration plan, we are looking to significantly expand the scope of products categorised under Articles 8 & 9 by the end of the year, and will therefore continue to transform funds and upgrade investment strategies to meet the highest ESG standards.

 To discover the classification of each product, go on your dedicated local website.

1. Data as of February 2021, based on all European products of the Amundi group.
2. Article 8: product promoting ESG among other characteristics. Article 9: products having a sustainable investment objective.
3. 529 products (including active, passive and MMF products), representing €328 billion in assets.

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