Corporate - Integrated Report 2023 - 1400x500

Embracing opportunities together in a radically changing world

2023 Integrated Report: a strategic and forward-looking publication combining our analysis of the issues, the presentation of our stakeholders and our financial and non-financial performance.

A time for action: anticipate a decade of transformations

Rapid, far-reaching changes in society, the environment, the economy and technology present real challenges, but also development opportunities for our industry.

Corporate - Integrated Report - Demographic and socio-economic trends
Corporate - Integrated Report - Trends - The environmental emergency
Corporate - Integrated Report - Trends - The regionalisation of econmic hubs
Corporate - Integrated Report - Trends- The omnipresence of artificail intelligence

More details on pages 6/7 of the 2023 integrated report.


... while adapting to the uncertainty of the next 18 months

The strong geopolitical tensions resulting from the synchronous demographic, technological and ecological transitions underline the need to remain agile and diversified. These transitions generate uncertainty and have a knock-on effect on the way political and economic decision-makers react.

Corporate - Integrated Report - Longterm - A more fragmented economic outlook
Corporate - Integrated Report - Longterm - Changing professions and working models
Corporate - Integrated Report - Longterm - Geopolitical tension remain high - 3
Corporate - Integrated Report - Longterm - Key technological issues
Corporate - Integrated Report - Longterm - Increased regulatory requirements

More details on pages 8/9 of the 2023 integrated report.

A time for commitment: supporting our clients in the long term

Our strategic plan leveraging the sector’s strong growth potential

Corporate - Integrated Report - Valérie Baudson

“In 2023, we have successfully supported our clients with solutions appropriate for market conditions, while continuing to deploy our “Ambitions 2025” strategic plan. Our assets under management in Asia increased again, to nearly 400 billion euros. Meanwhile, Amundi Technology continued its rise, strengthening its position as a leading supplier in the realm of services and technology. Passive management carried on with expansion following the integration of Lyxor, achieving significant inflows to ETFs. And lastly, regarding real assets in Europe, the acquisition of Alpha Associates allows us to become a European leader in multi-management, infrastructure, private debt and private equity.”

Valérie Baudson, Chief Executive Officer

Our strategic priorities

... our leadership in asset management

... our leadership in asset management

  • By continuing to drive growth across all client segments
  • By leveraging our full range of expertise
  • By amplifying our leadership in Europe, consolidate our position in the United States and be a top player in Asia
... the way in responsible investment

... the way in responsible investment

  • By continuing to strengthen our responsible investment offering across all our products and services, including the creation of a broad range aligned with the Net Zero 2050 Ambition trajectory
  • By increasing climate engagement plans with the companies in which we invest
  • By setting internal remuneration and governance objectives in line with our external commitments
... a first-class provider of technology and services across the entire savings value chain

... a first-class provider of technology and services across the entire savings value chain

  • By growing Amundi Technology’s revenues
  • By capturing new distribution trends with Fund Channel
... value-creative M&A

...  value-creative M&A

  • By exploring opportunities to enhance distribution (new partners, markets, geographical areas), strengthen our expertise and accelerate the deployment of technology and services
  • By meeting our strict financial criteria: >10% return on investment within three years

More details on pages 28/29 of the 2023 integrated report.

A time of opportunity: preparing each individual and society for their future

Understanding the expectations of our stakeholders enables us to work in their interests every day, while aiming at having a positive impact on society and the environment. To this end, we draw on an organisation that is both global and local, unique financial and non-financial research capabilities and a full range of expertise.

Our stakeholders

  1. Our clients
  2. The economic community
  3. Our staff
  4. Civil society
  5. Public and regulatory authorities
  6. The financial and non-financial community

Focus on three of our stakeholders:

1. Our clients

Who are they ?

  • Our partner networks' retail clients
  • Third-party distributors and private banks
  • Institutional and corporate clients
  • Our joint ventures' clients
Corporate - Rapport Intégré - 2023 - 3

What are their needs ?

  • Innovative savings solutions
  • Tailor-made support across the globe
  • A close relationship, notably via partner networks and third-party distributors

      Our commitments

      • Offer our clients, everywhere in the world, solutions that meet their needs, thanks to our dedicated local teams
      • Deliver on the client promise
      • Act as a long-term partner

      2. The economic community

      • Corporates and others issuers 
      • Suppliers
      • Partners
      Corporate - Rapport Intégré - 2023 - 1

      What are their needs ?

      • Financing to accelerate their economic growth
      • Support for their environmental and technological transformation
      • Support in defining a decarbonisation policy for their value chain

      Our commitments

      • Finance the energy transition
      • Support companies in their environmental transformation by fostering best-in-class practices
      • Fulfil our role as shareholder on behalf of our clients
      • Promote ESG best practice within companies, with a particular focus on inclusion and decarbonisation

      10 objectives for 2025 with a progress reviewed at end-2023

      3.Our employees


      What are their needs ?

      • The ability to look to the future through skills development
      • Meaningful individual and collective action
      • A climate of confidence that encourages initiative
      • A corporate culture that promotes the highest standards of integrity and behaviour
      Corporate - Rapport Integre - 2023 - 5

      Our commitments

      • Place individual and collective development at the heart of our responsibility as an employer
      • Promote equal opportunities and encourage diversity
      • Strengthen social cohesion
      Corporate - Integrated Report - Isabelle Senetterre

      “Among the sector’s major players, Amundi has one of the highest levels of functional and geographical mobility. This proactive policy, which reconciles individual aspirations with the needs of the company, is fully endorsed by our employees.”

      Isabelle Senéterre, Head of Human Resources

      Learn more ...

      You can find more details in our Integrated report on these topics :

      • Our raison d’être and our manifesto
      • Editorials by Philippe Brassac and Valérie Baudson
      • Amundi, the leading European asset manager
      • A time for action: anticipate a decade of transformations
      • A time of opportunity: preparing each individual and society for their future
      • A time for commitment: supporting our clients in the long term
      • A governance that serves the company's strategy



      15 April, 2024
      2023 - Integrated Report - Amundi
      24 May, 2024
      2023 - Integrated report - Accessible - Amundi

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