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Our HR policy

Overview of our HR policy

Message from HR Director

The confidence of our clients and the commitment of our employees are our greatest assets.
Both must be earned.

Isabelle Senéterre
Head of HR for Amundi group

The confidence of our clients and the commitment of our employees are our greatest assets.

Both must be earned.

Amundi’s strength lies in its culture:

  • A culture fed by a story: In just over ten years, we have created a global leader in asset management. A French company, with a European culture and an international reach, now present in more than 35 countries.
  • A culture nourished by shared values: courage, team spirit, entrepreneurial spirit and solidarity. More than mere words, these are values that influence individual and collective behaviour.
  • Finally, a culture fed by a project focused on development: cases in point are our development in Asia, the creation of Amundi Technology and the intensification of our actions in responsible investment, a pillar of the company since its creation.

Our HR policies support this culture:

  • First, by promoting equal opportunity. Recruiting and promoting without distinction of gender or origin is both ethical and efficient. 40% of our country managers are women, 78 nationalities share common objectives at Amundi, and we have more than doubled our objective of hiring people with disabilities, as set out in our 6th group agreement.
  • Secondly, by investing in our human resources over the long term, through training and functional and geographical mobility, allowing us to adapt jobs to the company’s changing needs and to grow our people. The average length of service in the company is 12 years.
  • Finally, by acting for a work environment that promotes performance and consideration, quality of life at work and efficiency.

87% of our employees are proud to work for Amundi.
This is a strength for the company and for our clients.

Overview of our HR policy

Amundi’s human resources policy aims to foster the individual and collective development of its employees for the benefit of the company’s performance.

The HR policy ties in with the Human Resources Project led by the Crédit Agricole Group and focuses on four dimensions:

  • A work organisation that gives greater responsibility to each person, especially in client relations;
  • A foundation of managerial values to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork;
  • A climate of confidence that encourages initiative;
  • Collective solidarity actions that strengthen cohesion within the company.

Our HR challenges

In an international and highly competitive environment, the ability to look to the future, to give meaning to one’s actions and to have a differentiating corporate culture are essential assets for recruiting and retaining the best talent, with the skills of tomorrow, particularly in technological and digital professions.

What we offer

  • A company where you can learn and develop: We support each employee in their development, as well as that of our business lines, by championing internal mobility and training.
  • An inclusive company: We recruit and promote the best talent, regardless of race, gender or social origin, and with equal opportunity.
  • An agile company: We maintain a strong collegiate work environment while encouraging the development of hybrid work methods.
  • An ethical company: We promote the highest standards of integrity and behaviour.

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